Click SORA eBooks link.
1. Select Bethlehem Area School District from the drop-down menu
2. Staff may log in with their BASD e-mail username. The password is your 6-digit employee ID number.
3. Students in grades 1-12 may log in with their 3rd Party User Name (BASD+ID) and 3rd Party Password (SRI). See your building librarian for login questions.
4. After logging in, you may check out up to 3 eBooks/audiobooks for 14 days. These are automatically removed at the end of the lending period.
5. Items may be checked out using a district computer or a personal device.
6. Elementary students have access to Elementary level materials; Middle School students have access to Middle and Elementary level materials; High School students and Staff have access to all materials.
7. If you have questions or need help with downloading eBooks to your device, consult the Sora Help Videos link.
8. If you have questions or need help with a device please consult the Sora Devices link.